essl eTimetracklite Software support

eSSL - eTimeTrack-Lite Desktop
What is Time Attendance and Payroll?
eSSL - eTimeTrack-Lite is automated Time & Attendance Systems that provides an alternative to the mechanical time clock systems or paper-based timesheets.
eSSL - eTimeTrack-Lite Software allows companies to track and evaluate the performance and work activities of employees using a single software application. Time & Attendance Software enables employees to store, track and organize the most important employee time related information in single place. The required information to track and monitor employee activities and management processes is available on a computer. This can also be invaluable for ensuring regulatory compliance with working regulations and proof of attendance.
eSSL - eTimeTrack-Lite Features
Highly intuitive Set-Up Wizard that will get you up and running quickly
User friendly appearance requires less time to get you educated for the software
Flexible Shift timing can be defined with allowed grace time for late coming and early going. Also supports multiple breaks with a configurable Lunch break
Weekly off 1 (e.g. Sunday) & Weekly Off 2 (e.g. Saturday,1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th)
Easy Configuration of Company Holidays
Leave Type is defined for Leave Entries
Shift calendar & Shift Roaster is defined for scheduling different shifts on different dates
Scheduling of shift can be done by both Employee wise and Department wise
Limited Leave quota management, that allows to assign Leave day(s) quota to employees. Consorted with “Leave Balance” report to track balance leave day(s) of employees.
Invalid or missing punches can be detected by a Missed out Punch Report
SMS can be sent to employee ,By this employee can track his or her punch records on daily basis
Upload multiple users to multiple device
Department Head can send Memo (Late Coming/Early Going, Absent, Half day, Missed Out Punch) to employee Individual or Group via mail
Online downloader that collect data from device based upon time interval
Scheduler that calculate the Attendance Data, Sync enrolled User Info & Punch records, Triggers mail to Head of the department of regular employee like (Late Coming/Early Going, Absent, Half day, Missed Out Punch)
Parallel Database , Helps in Integration with third party Payroll System
Import/Export of the employee through the excel sheet
Reports like (Daily, Monthly, Yearly, Matrix, Memo ...etc)
Work Code ,Customer can define work code based upon that employee reports can be generated
Visitor Management helps to track the visitor in your company
Canteen Management, Track the employee food consumption item wise & helps in employee & employer contribution, Streamline funds

eSSL - eTimeTrack-Lite-Web-Application
Web Base Application
web based application is a software package that can be accessed through the web browser.
The software and database reside on a central server rather than being installed on the desktop system and is accessed over a network.
eTimeTracklite Web Solution
Software Solution
Backend Database Support: Microsoft SQL Server
Pre Requirement Software:
Windows Server Operating System. Windows Server 2000 or later.
IIS (Internet Information Service). IIS version 5.0 or later.
Dot Net framework
Hardware Solution
Computer Hardware plays important roll in performance. Without good hardware configuration you will not get good performance.
eSSL Recommend Computer Configuration to run the Web application​
Dual Core Processor & latest processor .
Min 250 GB Hard Disk.
Communicate Portals:
Static IP in Server location: To Communicate and access with the web application.
Internet Connection in terminal: Connect the terminal to internet and for communicate with server.
GPRS Connection in terminal: Connect the terminal to internet by make use of GPRS technology.
Push Data: It will push the data to server instantly, mean time, the device should be connected to the internet and static IP has to be configured.
eSSL - eTimetracklite web Features
No need to download the users to database manually, It’s automated.
Integrate the device worldwide to collect records.
Automatic download of the logs.
Monitor the punch record from all over the world.
Program the System and Generate Reports without Location Barriers.
Monitor User Attendance and Access Remotely.
Create Various Attendance Related Policies.
Attendance Authorization.
Holiday and Shift Schedule Management.
Real Time Events and Report Generation.
Manual Entry and Correction of the Attendance Events.
Import Data from File and Restore in Software.
Reports with Month, Day and between Defined Dates
Export the device logs in Various File Format.
Built in “ePayTrack” pay roll application.
Formula setting for pay roll.
Import & export of Salary structures.
Generate pay roll reports.
Generate pay slip

eSSL - Cloud Attendance Management
eSSL - eTimetracklite web Features
Cloud based attendance system.
No need to install software on client site.
Database on secure server
Automatic download of the logs.
Monitor the punch record from all over the world.
Flexible Shift timing can be defined with allowed grace time for late coming and early going. Also supports multiple breaks with a configurable Lunch break
Weekly off 1 (e.g. Sunday) & Weekly Off 2 (e.g. Saturday,1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th)
Easy Configuration of Company Holidays
Leave Type is defined for Leave Entries
Shift calendar & Shift Roaster is defined for scheduling different shifts on different dates
Scheduling of shift can be done by both Employee wise and Department wise
Limited Leave quota management, that allows to assign Leave day(s) quota to employees. Consorted with “Leave Balance” report to track balance leave day(s) of employees.
Invalid or missing punches can be detected by a Missed out Punch Report
Holiday and Shift Schedule Management.
Manual Entry and Correction of the Attendance Events.
Import Data from File and Restore in Software.
Reports with Month, Day and between Defined Dates
Export the device logs in Various File Format.
Built in “ePayTrack” pay roll application.
Formula setting for pay roll.
Generate pay roll reports.
Generate pay slip